Thursday 24 March 2011



This morning, while browsing some of my article in Mozilla Firefox, i've open some of my favorite song from website.. OMG.. i'm so touch with what i've just saw, have you all heard this popular statement before??

"I have no arms, i have no legs but i have a liltle drumstick down there"

"no arms, no legs, no worries"

"I love living live, i am happy"

WOW!!!... If you know who voiced the statement, or if you ever meet him in person, you surely will hug and cry.. not because of his a DISABLE person, but you will be incourage and cry in tears because of his spirit in how he move on his life..


              His real name is Nick Vujicic.. who born in fourth of December 1982, he is a preacher and motivational speaker – born with Tetra-amelia, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs. He struggled as a child, eventually came to terms with his disability and started his own non-profit organization Life Without Limbs – at age seventeen. He is widely known as a motivational speaker, giving talks wordwide on life with a disability, hope, and finding meaning in life.


Words which TOUCH my feeling and BURN my spirit...

"If i fail, i'll try again and again and again. If you fail, are you going to try again?"
"The human spirit can handle much more than we realize"

"It matters how you are going to finish. are you going to finish strong?"

"The challenges in our lives are there to strengthen our conviction. they are not there to run us over"

"In your live, you have a choice. Which is bitter or better. choose better and forget bitter"


So... what do you feel after you know and watch all of the video? Don't you think that he has a very strong spirit.. If i'm in his place, i dont think that i can be as tough as he is.. There's only 2 lesson i've learn after i watch and hear all his burning spirit word.. (sorry if my English is bad.. "SaYa BuDaK BaRu BeLaJaR.. KaLaU AdA SaLaH ToLonG AjArKan!!!") ...

"We must always be thankfull for what Allah swt gives us and use them for the good use as possible"
"We should not given up so easy even if we were in a big problem, because Allah swt wont give a situation or problem that we can't handle.." 



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