Thursday 24 March 2011

Y(^_<)Y >>(CHIKEN SOUP ANGLE HAIR for my love)<< Y(>_^)Y

Welcome back guys.. first of all i would like to wish THANK YOU to you all because still follow up my blog.. Do you all love "Chiken Soup Angle Hair"?  Wah??  WhAt??!  HuH!??  WHAT IS THAT??!! haha.. so strange name yea, but its just a "Bihun Sup Ayam" ...haha ..Damm, who wish to eat a HAIR?!? haha.. eventhough it's quite a  funny name in English, it doesn't mean the taste of this SUPERB Chiken Soup Angle Hair run from its original taste of "Bihun Sup Ayam".. The taste is just the same..

Okay end of story about that funny name.. Haha.. Sorry to end so fast, actually i've got more interesting story to tell you all.. haha.. On XX XXXXXX XXXX last year, just a week after the college break finish from the  celebration of Hari Raya Aidilfitri, this Chiken Soup Angle Hair bring a very sweet memories of me and my sweetheart.. Its all stared we din't go back home.. Because its still in the midle month of Syawal, we still celebrate the Hari Raya celebration by making an Open House.. So when i know that he's still there in dorm, i and my housemate planned to invite our friends (only girls) to our open house. He was so disappointed with me and at the same time, our classmate, nadirah invite us to have a lunch at her open house.. So to save his pocket money (i hope he dint read my blog  >,<" ), he went to nadirah's house. I was so sad that time because i want surprise him with my special talent in making "bihun sup ayam" and send him the food through the college back gate, but he went there.. so we dint send sms or call for a few hour.. Later after he finished visiting his CLASSMATE he rush with his friend to TESCO to buy his friend's thing.. On his way back, he called me.. he said that his sorry, well at first i told him that i dint even care if he go there.. but in my heart, only Allah swt know..

When his back with his friend, he dint straight go back to his dorm in the college.. He pass by the flat behind college where i leave, i look at his eye while making a sad face( actually i feel like him.. But i controlled my emotion because we were in public..)  So he talked slowly and calmly as nothing happen just now.. so i started to get angry, but before i start to say a word.. he give me a plastic bag full of food.. haha at that time i thought he want runaway from the problem.. SORRY DUDE, this is JAMILAH.. hehe.. but suddenly his cute mouth spook calmly, "Jamilah, i'm soo sorry because i went to our friends house, its not that i want to have a revange on you.. but i went there just to accompany two of our friend.. as an exchange and evidence of our love, i dint eat even one piece of biscuit in her house.. its because i keep thinking of you every second the clock ticking..I'm so sorry.. i hope u dint touch or hurt with all i've done from this early morning till now".. OMG.. what do you feel if you are in position that time?? 

ME =>  <=ME

So i asked him, "So you dint eat anything lah today??" ( feel like huging him that time, but i controled my feeling because we are not yet husband and wive.. hehe  Y^_^Y  ).. but lol.. this guy told me that actually he has already ate his lunch 3.50pm before he reach nadirah's open house.. ( i feel like wanna KETUK HIM LAMA-LAMAagain n again..) haha.. no wonderlah he's not starving at all for lunch.. by the way, i feel very proud and touch with everything what happen today.. owh ya, forgot to tell.. he brought me a plastic of food from TESCO because few days before i've told him that my money is running low.. So i rush back home and asked him to wait there... i packed all the food which i've already cooked specially for him and put it all in a cute set of tupoware and left him a piece of note in the plastic bag.. Before i hand him my lovely special dinner, i told him not to open it before he took his bath, pray for marghrib prayers and reached hostel..

So later that night, i've received a phone call from him.. i can hear tears came from the other side of the phone, so i try to comfort him untill he stop crying.. hehe.. when he stop crying, i asked him why (actually i already know why..hehe) So he answerd me, "Jamilah, i'm soo sorry for what i've done today to you.. this is the best in the whole world dinner i've ever ate before", then he started to cry again.. Then i asked him, "why u started to cry again, does the "sambal udang" so spicy?" He answerd me again, "no, the spicy of this sambal is nothing to compare with the happinest i've rite now".. (BUT actually guys, you know what.. when i checked again, actually i've make the spicy dishes sooo spicy.. HEHE.. but he dont complain, but surely le i asked him for forgiveness for my careless mistake.. =)


600 gm chicken
300 gm bean sprouts
600 gm rice noodles
150 gm peanuts
6 red onion
4 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chili machine
1 tablespoon salted radish
1 celery plant
1 green onion plant
2 tamarind juice
2 red chillies
4 pieces of tofu
Salt to taste
Sugar to taste

1. Slice the celery and onions.
2. Clean the chicken and boiled with salt.
3. Put 1 tablespoon green onions and celery and cook it for 1 hour.
4. Blanch noodles and set aside. Blanch the bean sprouts and carrots salty. Set aside.
5. Slice and fried the onions.
6. Fried the tofu and when it cooked sliced it up to ​​thin pieces.
7. Fry the peanuts without oil and machine it until smooth.
8. Heat 1 teaspoon of oil in a wok and fry chilli machine. Add salt and sugar. Remove and set aside.

1. When serving the food, it is good to provided it to a separate bowl for each person.
2. Put the noodles, sprinkle with celery, green onions, fried onions, tofu, salted radish and bean sprouts.
3. Pour sauce over noodles.
4. Sprinkle with peanuts and a teaspoon of chilli stir-fry.
5. Squeeze lime and sprinkle of chilli pieces, if desired.


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